It's official. Mr. Surly is addicted. So, as a way to pass the time (while he's blogging, of course), I've compiled this short, little list.
You know you're a blog widow when…
- I start empathizing with my mother, the blog-hostile Mrs. Parkway.
- Husband almost slips and calls me "Technorati" instead of "TJ."
- Constantly hits "Refresh" on the laptop during dinner to see if he's no longer a "Flippery Fish."
- Would actually genuflect if he ever met the maker of the lap desk.
- If given the choice of watching football while having sex with Pamela Anderson and pepperoni eating pizza or updating his site, he wouldn't even hesitate before choosing the latter.
- Thinks I'm at my foxiest when I'm helping him with HTML. (Mrowr!)
Tell me you have more than one computer at home.
; )
Posted by: Christina | February 21, 2005 at 07:26 PM
Actually, we have office furniture so we can set side by side and blog away to our heart's content! It's funny sometimes, since we ask 'how do you spell____' or 'did you see this??'.
Posted by: Michele | February 21, 2005 at 09:10 PM
The family that blogs together, snogs together?
Posted by: Mr. Scriblerus | February 21, 2005 at 10:07 PM
I like blogging, too... but Pamela Anderson? Somebody needs to have a talk with that boy.
Posted by: Dash | February 21, 2005 at 11:34 PM
Thank God we have more than one computer! It's funny watching us on the couch together. It's like dueling blogs. (Music cue: Ding-a-DING-ding-DING-ding-DING-ding-DIIIING!)
Posted by: TJ | February 22, 2005 at 10:37 AM
Oh, yeah, Dash...Want a little Hepatitis with that pizza??
; )
Posted by: Christina | February 22, 2005 at 11:04 AM