As of late I’ve been trying to do a clean-out-the-refrigerator/freezer theme in preparation for all the yummyness that is spring and summer produce.
Truth be told, one of the nicest gifts someone could give me would be one of those could-hide-a-dead-body-size freezers people have in the basement. I freeze food. A lot.
I’m not what you’d call frugal, but I really don’t like to waste food. I figure if I put effort into making something, we can’t finish it and it will freeze well, why not pop it in the coolerator? One day when we’re hungry for home cooking, it will be a nice surprise.
My mother is known for her outrageously good Christmas cookies. One year, she took some of the surplus and froze it. I still remember that July day when she found them snugly wrapped, all but forgotten in the back of the freezer. We didn't even wait for them to thaw.
This week I happened to find a bag of fully cooked shrimp lingering in the freezer. So, the easiest thing to do would be to whip up some cocktail sauce – my ex-boyfriend’s mom’s recipe – and we would be good to go.
Shrimp thawed? Check.
Ingredients for cocktail sauce? Check.
Uh, wait.
We had no ketchup. Not a drop to be found.
So, I figured I would be all experimental and make my own ketchup.
Some tomato paste, water, granulated sugar, kosher salt and cider vinegar later, I had a pretty damn delicious base for my soon-to-be cocktail sauce.
I know there are some chefs reading this who are all, “Ketchup? Oh, come on! I made Fillet Wellington from scratch yesterday.” (For example, Mr. Scriblerus -- a natural-born chef, who treats us to amazing feats of deliciousness involving things like red wine shallot reductions at Casa del Scriblerus-- probably thinks me a kitchen wussy.)
Nevertheless for me this was a very big deal.
It’s official. I can cook.
Need a from-scratch condiment? I am so your gal!
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